Sophia stardew valley heart events. I accidentally clicked skip on her event, .

Sophia stardew valley heart events Aug 23, 2023 #1 I play on Switch, and I started this save before the 1. 2. Changed festival dialogue from "halloween" to "Spirit's Eve" in English. Open comment sort options. I couldn't trigger the 8 heart event because of the night market. 12: Now gives the player a wilted bouquet if they Magnus Rasmodius is the local wizard of Stardew Valley. Now dislikes many cooked dishes. I can't seem to trigger Sophia's 8 heart event. They tend to fly away when approached or startled. This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, Sophia probably has the most work put into her characterization. korrin- • From Sophia's file, requirements for her 12 heart part 1: Fall Not day 1, 2, 4 According to the SVE wiki, Sophia's 12 heart event makes " grapes and grape wine worth 2x their value". I accidentally clicked skip on her event, Bouquet before Heart My biggest "complaint" is that there's not quite the same progression to her story like some of the vanilla characters. 5 update came out. Since her ten-heart event also triggers at her home, the two events will happen together. Read on to find out the best ways to romance her! I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but Sophia's 12 heart event supposedly makes grapes and grape wine 2x the price, but it didn't take effect for me. Back it up, just in case. I was looking at a spoiler free r/stardewvalley post and I realized I had not triggered the 8 heart event (on beach while raining after 1 "Birds are cautious little creatures. I'm kinda new in this mod, but i'm having some issues trying to trigger what I think that is the 14 Heart Event of Sophia. You only need 2 hearts with Gus to activate it, so it happens before Sophia telling you I just married Sophia a few days ago, and I realized that I after I saw her part 1 6 heart event where she was crying at the grave, I didn't check on her in her house afterwards. If I went to the festival it would be really late and I I have ten hearts with her, have seen all the events including the This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, are there any known issues with 1. Sophia 1 (?) heart event . Removed dialogue referencing the trailer after the community upgrade is complete. The This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, Are there special, hidden conditions that must be met to trigger Scarlett’s zero-heart event? I have seen Sophia’s 8-heart event, but now it’s been almost 20 days with no Scarlett. Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG with support for 1 1. Do you think she would become an official game especially since in order for the NPC to make sense in the mod, everything about her Issue having trouble with a Sophia event SVE. You probably don't have the cellar yet. You must be dating or married to Zinnia. Victor now uses Father/Mother in dialogue if the player is married to Olivia. If the player is unmarried and has given a bouquet to all available bachelorettes, raised friendship with each bachelorette to 10 hearts, and seen each bachelorette's 10-heart event, then entering Haley/Emily's House will trigger a This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, if it was from a heart event, you need to enter her house and a cutscene will trigger where you have to knock on her door. He isn’t sure what he wants to do with his life, but he wants to find the role that makes him happy, not rich. Olivia attends aerobics class on Tuesdays if married to the player. I want your stupid event, ugh! I don't even know what else to try. Hey guys i got a question and hope you can help me. I just don't know what's going on it's fall and it is the 2nd i wasn't able to see it on the 1st so i thought "Maybe I need to wait for the 2nd say" And it didn't work. Only happens if you saw his three hearts event. I have seen all 10 their heart events, but never married one - been focused on the guys so far lol. Reply reply More replies More replies &nbsp; &nbsp Meet Claire, one of the bachelorette options in Stardew Valley Expanded! She's quiet and reserved, but has big dreams of life beyond retail. The reason her 14 heart isn't appearing in Event Lookup for you is that it has a When condition of a fully upgraded house. Fixed bug causing Maru to wear normal clothes inside the clinic after one of her heart events. How to trigger 14 heart event on sophia . Reached 14 hearts. It needs to be sunny. ) ID: 8186182 / Go to the Stardew Valley mods folder, open the [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded folder, edit the config. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews I got to 8 hearts with leah in the winter and waited until spring but the 8 heart event where she asks you to go to her art show wont trigger < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments . This video will cover all of her Sophia is one of the MOST popular modded characters in Stardew, but if you don't marry her, you miss out on some AMAZING heart events!!! Here is a quick over For the first event, use the cheat menu to give yourself one heart with Sophia. After the Beach Resort on For canon information on Abigail, please see the official wiki here. ADMIN MOD Sophia's 12 heart event . There may be some debate as to which scenes "count", events can be shown to the player out of What's Sophia's heart events? I'm at four hearts and I walked into town and nothing. I followed her a little and turns out she was visiting This heart event does not require the bus to be repaired. In the event hints file lists up to an eighth heart event but no ten heart event. Olivia lives in the mansion that is added to the right of Pierre's shop in the This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley HELP . New. This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, Sophia's 8 heart event not triggering . Plantilla:NavBoxCharVanilla 1. I've looked at how to activate and you need to enter town between 9 and 3 with sunny whether but it wont trigger for some reason. For canon information on Sebastian, please see the official wiki here. Now goes to the Museum on Saturdays. Old. If you've seen her six heart event, and you've entered her house without the event triggering, chances are, the game has already marked it as seen. These events may address issues of abuse, suicide, infidelity, and death, among other topics. The only Maru heart event that doesn't have a right answer is the 14 How do the 10 heart group events but after my bad 10 heart event, Sophia had her divorce dialog with me. Scarlett is visiting Sophia while her dad buys animal product goods at Marnie's. It triggers in a rainy days between 10:00 and 14:00 in the forest, after seeing Abigail 10 heart event. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . I have 1. Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG with support for 1–8 players. let's not forget that we, the farmer, were at a very low point in life and made it out Stories and heart events from the characters of Stardew Valley. Aug 1, 2017 @ 5:33am 10 Heart event wont trigger? Also changing professions I've 10 hearted Leah, Haley and 4 hearted gus, but their events dont trigger although Ive followed the wiki. I'm stuck in the dialogue of Sophia's 7-heart event (part 1), I need to click on one of the 2 options (the player chooses), but This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, an expansive mod by FlashShifter for ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley. Wondering which of the bachelorettes has married dialogue/14 heart events you particularly enjoyed - no spoilers please on the 14 heart events! Thanks in advance :) Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG with support for 1–8 players. This page contains the requirements for each event with minimal spoilers. MidnightChord • There is currently no 14th heart event for any of the SVE Bachelor/bachelorettes but these will be coming with the 1. He is part of the First Slash clan, a guild of adventurers protecting the Fern Islands. 4: Garden pots will no Linus is a villager who lives in a small tent west of the Mines, on the Mountains north of Pelican Town. Now we have 9 and she is my gf, but can I still trigger the 8 heart event even though we got 9 and were already dating? If not, does this has any impact on the following heart events or our friendship. Meet Sophia, one of the bachelorette options in Stardew Valley Expanded! She's very shy, and mostly keeps to herself, but whenever she's not working in her v This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, I'm married to Sophia and even after keeping her at max hearts for a year nothing has happened Reply reply More replies. This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, I was able to trigger the 1st part of the heart event just fine. First, you need to find your save file. El evento de los siete corazones de Sophia, primera parte. For the next content i want to Hi all! I’m a 1 month newbie and I think I may have skipped a heart event. However, (on the Switch on 1. The eight heart event also says you must have already seen her eighth heart event. Checked and made sure that there is not a festival It's ok Sophia I take meds tooStardew Valley on Steam: https://store. png only being replaced when selected the light green eyes option. I choose one of the two answers and then the event dont go anywhere, The shock turned Higgins' lips blue, I guess his heart failed. ADMIN MOD How do you buy from Sophia after heart event? Must of missed the instructions Share Sort by: Best. The player first meets Scarlett during Sophia's two-heart event. json file and change "MatureEvents": "false" to "MatureEvents": "true" with any text editor (like Notepad), save, and restart your game. Sophia es una opción de despedida de soltera en Stardew Valley Expanded. Friendship mechanics Point system. Descriptions of the event contents are hidden behind a secondary collapsible element. Description: Living Life: Sophia is shown in the town, clearly in a good mood. Shown below are Linus' schedules prioritized highest to lowest within each season. steampowered. When I went to meet Sophia at her vineyard to see the "FarmType": "Standard" },"Entries": {"8185299/O Sophia/F sophia Reply reply More replies More replies. I tried looking on the wiki and it says nothing about any events after 10. And you must have seen the 10 heart Abigail event. 6), you can trigger the 8 heart event (Kel mentions the art show) without triggering the 2 heart event at all. Hi, I was just wondering if anyone could let me know if there were 12 and 14 heart events for Sophia and how I could activate them if they have triggers. Here are all of the heart events for Sophia from Stardew Valley Expanded. The first time I thought it was because it was Friday and he was on the saloon, but I've tried other days and still doesn't work. After this point, I missed every one of her heart Stardew Valley Expanded adds over 260 new events (except 10 events in cut content) to Stardew Valley, with more coming with each update. He This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, Sofia . When we tested selling an individual bottle of aged Iridium-star wine, it sold for 672 - the value we would expect from the Artisan profession, which the player has. Changed 2 heart event dialogue. Let me know what you think. Added group 10-heart event. Schedule. 6: Added winter portraits and more beach portraits. Leah x Sophia x Abigail x Emily Polygamy Event(It trigger at the 26 of Fall when you get out of the farmhouse in the morning. Note: This event will not trigger if you are married to Emily, or have seen her Eight Heart Event or Ten Heart event. Heart events allow the gift giving moment to have a real I am dating Sebastian in-game and when I gave his birthday gift to hit 10 hearts, no event was triggered. I’m building my relationship with Shane, and recently saw I got to 6 hearts. 6), you can trigger the 8 heart event (Kel mentions the art show) without Meet Sophia, one of the bachelorette options in Stardew Valley Expanded! She's very shy, and mostly keeps to herself, but whenever she's not working in her v I'm having trouble activating Sophia's 14 heart event. 27: Added group 10-heart event. You can check this yourself. 21:10:46 TRACE SMAPI Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sophia I'm having trouble activating Sophia's 14 heart event. Open comment sort Also note that you can buy from the book before seeing the heart event. Stardew Valley is literally Westworld! r/StardewValley Here are all of the heart events for Olivia from Stardew Valley Expanded mod. Then, open it in a text editor like notepad. Shouldn't mess with an existing save, you just may see a few events out of order. You need Stardew Valley Expanded for it to work. 0: Added 7 heart event 1. Yikes. So I got 8 hearts with abigail. He's one of the twelve characters available to marry. Visit Blue Moon Vineyard on a sunny day between 8 am and 4 pm with one of your inventory slots open. Elliott is a villager who lives on the beach south of Pelican Town. ) If you have mature events turned on, there's an event where Gus tells you about Sophia's parents. Reply reply Marrying Sophia ️‍🩹 upvotes Sophia heart event question (no spoilers) So I missed the deadline for heart event 6, and I’m trying to speed through winter to do it, This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, an expansive mod by FlashShifter for ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley. For this one, we've got parts 6A and Group Ten-Heart Event. Why does everyone in the valley hate Grampleton Orange Chicken except her? I don't quite get it. 11: Added 12 heart event and a new location for the event. From that point, you’ll still notice how Elliott is concerned and clingy without making it weird. To trigger this event, you must have a 2-heart relationship with Sofia and visit Blue Moon Vineyard between 8 am and 4 pm on a sunny day during spring, summer, or fall. 66K subscribers in the StardewValleyExpanded community. This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, Sophia's Heart Events . Linus never visits the Beach Resort on Ginger Island. News Game Guides Apps & Lists Codes Sophia will have Heart events, or special little side stories that Meet Sophia, one of the bachelorette options in Stardew Valley Expanded! She's very shy, and mostly keeps to herself, but whenever she's not working in her v This post is dedicated to character Sophia from the mod Stardew valley Expanded. I saw on the wiki that the 12 heart event must occur on fall and not on certain dates as well as the last days of fall. Note that you’ll get his letter daily (which progressively gets cuter). After leaving the Island at 6pm, Sebastian will Clint’s 6-Heart event only happens if you saw his 3-Heart event, are not married to Emily, AND have not seen her 8-Heart or 10-Heart events. New comments cannot be posted. . 13. My 4 heart scene with claire bugged and 6 heart event wont show anymore! Skip to main content. Added Leah Portrait. She begins showing up to Pelican Town festivals, appearing at the Egg Festival, Luau, Stardew Valley Fair, and Spirit's Eve. since she has a well-established practice of using sprinklers and harvest is a once-a-season event. She is very shy and mostly keeps to herself. Visite a Sophia en su casa en cualquier momento durante cualquier temporada. Stardew Valley. According to Event Lookup, I fulfill all requirements, I've seen both parts of her 7 heart event and some time has passed since then. 14 and Sophia's ledger? I have ten hearts with her, have seen all the events including the mention of iridium sprinklers, and no ledger is available in her sewing room. I don't know if anyone have already made a post about Changed dialogue in 6 and 8 heart events. This followed with a pop-up saying blueberry This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, an expansive mod by FlashShifter for ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley. " Claire lives in the countryside outside of Pelican Town and buses in to work as a cashier at JojaMart. 10 Heart Event (“Once In A Blue Moon”) After reaching 10 Hearts and viewing her 2-Heart Event and 8-Heart Event, Zinnia will send you a letter in the mail. Sebastian receives one Sophia's aged hand-crafted wine from Blue Moon Vineyard. This time round Ham Hello and please excuse me if this question has already been answered, because i couldn't find a solution to my problem. Share Sort by: Best. Top. If that doesn't work, can you test triggering the Stardew Valley > General Discussions > Topic Details. Enter the Mines between 8:00 PM and 12:00 AM after reading Zinnia’s letter to trigger the event. Meet Sophia, one of the bachelorette options in Stardew Valley Expanded! She's very shy, and mostly keeps to herself, but whenever she's not working in her v Here is the public release with the three previous patreon events. Members Online A must have mod when you are using content changing mod (Summer - Year 1 currently) also from Sophia’s Vineyard (Stardew Expanded) neither has worked. what is going on? Hamish McTackleberry is still trapped in the profound mod combination that is the Xtardew Valley mod and the Stardew Valley Expanded mod. 12 and became a marriage candidate in the 1. Scarlett and Sophia don't get to see each other often, but stay close through calls This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, Playful_Maybe_8438 . 21:10:46 TRACE SMAPI Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sophia (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). Stardew Valley Expanded Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Each villager has a friendship score represented by a ten Sophia Hearts: 7 (Part 2)- Event . The player must have seen part 2 of Sophia's 6-heart event, and it must be Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. You only need 2 hearts with Gus to activate it, so it happens before Sophia telling you herself if you talk to Gus every day. Ve a ver a Sophia mientras está en su Sophia is a bachelorette option in Stardew Valley Expanded. Today I Played Through All Of Sophia's Hear Events in Stardew Valley Expanded!If you want to watch me play live follow me on twitch: https: Hey so I accidentally missed Sophia's 12 heart event :( I now cant see her 14 heart event bc i need the previous to trigger the 14 one. His cutscene doesn't trigger. Currently, he lacks a 14 heart event. She'll complain about the mess, ask for help, and then Pam will come. However, his attitude starts to change toward any player who chooses to befriend him. These events are of a darker or more serious tone than most of the original game events. 4: Added 14-heart event. (Or at least, didn't when you took that screenshot. One thing to try just for fun is first to do the event the opposite way you finally plan to so that you can experience it, and then restart the day and do the event the way This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, I don't care either way because I always basically ignore Sophia (got her to full hearts and married once because that's how we do to everyone). The wiki says you need to be in the farmhouse at 7am to 10pm, Stardew Valley Expanded Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Dang, we literally managed to get all the "right-place, right-time" moments to see not one but TWO Sophia Heart Events. For this cutscene, enter town from between 9am-6:30pm from the The 8 heart event on the wiki says that if you select the creepy option for the 2 heart event, you will never see the 8 heart event because you couldn't select the art show/website option. Controversial. Fixed glitch where Maru would wear her work uniform after-hours on festival days. He was added in update 1. 1: Added workout area behind farmhouse if married. I'm not sure i did something wrong so here are some information that could help you. I completed the second heart event Finally after 241 Hours and 22 minutes, I have finally achieved perfection within Stardew Valley Expanded and finished my save file on 8th Fall Year 5. Give it a few minutes to load - it's a very big file. I've seen her 12 heart event fully and still am not able to see the 14 heart event. Most of the romanceable vanilla characters do a kind of 180 by the time you get to 10-hearts, but Sophia feels more like by the time you get to 10-hearts it is more like the 5 or 8 heart level of vanilla characters. i checked the wiki but it only has until 12 hearts how to trigger the 14th heart event on sophia Locked post. Scarlett, a new NPC added in SVE, is Sofia’s friend. As i said, now i'll begin with the 14 heart events for Leah, Emily, Sophia and Abigail. Personality wise, Lance appears confident, and considers the Player an adventurer of some renown by the time they meet. Scarlett becomes a giftable NPC after viewing Sophia's 8 Heart event and either repairing the community center or completing the Joja development form. It's ok Sophia I take meds too Stardew Valley on Steam: https://store. 27: Added appearance in the Mines after viewing 10-heart event. Added back 2 blank rows on Sopia's sprites like SVE. He works alongside Marlon to protect the valley from corrupt monsters. Just enter her new home while she's there, and everything described happens. Released in 2019, SVE added numerous new locations, events, items, and characters to . 6 heart event can now trigger after purchasing the Community Upgrade. She is the last friendship i 10 heart event with Haley r/StardewValleyExpanded • idk i really love this. Fixed a bug where SophiaJPKSprite. Now goes to the Stardrop Saloon at night. Scarlett is Sophia's best friend and fellow cosplayer. Details: You find Clint watching Emily from the bushes. Her 12 heart event is her admitting she's scared of failure and finally gets pushed into trying acting again. CREDIT to Airyn: The Haley portraits and sprites in the 6 heart event were made by Airyn CREDIT to Poltergeist: The last Haley sprite and portrait (the one with the scarf) in the 6 Heart Event was heavily inspired by user poltergeist (you can find it in the wonderful mod that was made by her and many other artist "Seasonal Outfits - Slightly Cuter Aesthetic") Arrives in town: 12:00 pm; Aerobics class at Pierre’s: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm; Bus stop: 5:40 pm; Claire’s heart events in Stardew Valley. So. When not working at the vineyard, Sophia spends her time enjoying anime, manga, and cosplay. Help I will probably just skip it and move on to the 14 heart event. Members Online can't marry sophia Sophia is one of the most beloved new bachelorettes introduced in the Stardew Valley Expanded mod. During Spring, Summer, and Fall, players must first acquire two hearts of friendship with Elliott before being allowed inside his cabin. 4: Added 14 heart event. The introverted yet adorable Sophia is a new character in the Stardew Valley Expanded mod and waiting to be romanced by you. There may be some debate as to which scenes "count", events can be shown to the player out of I choose one of the two answers and then the event dont go anywhere, Loop answer Sophia's 7 heart event part 1. New trailer for my cozy game with villagers that you can actually talk to and become friends with This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, chanonupara. Apr 16, 2021 @ 9:43am This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, as I put it above, Sophia's 12 heart part 1 didn't occur for me at all during the window of in-game time it was supposed to. It comes in a prestigious basket riddled with leaves, Here is the next patch including the new revamped Abigail Event, the previous Sophia event and slightly retouched sprites. Generally I don't have a problem with the vanilla characters so I don't think new ones will either (why do so many people hate Pierre I also feel like the character dialogue gets a bit stale after you get to 8-10 hearts with most people, Stardew Valley Expanded (SVE) is a widely popular, unofficial mod expansion pack for Stardew Valley. I have 8 hearts with Sebastian. This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, an expansive mod by FlashShifter for ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley. The wiki says you need to be in the farmhouse at 7am to 10pm, and in fall but, that doesn't seem to be the case. Sophia is Below is the spoiler-free guide to the times and locations you need to meet Sophia to activate her heart events. This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, an expansive mod by FlashShifter for 1. One of the added characters and bachelorette options to SVE is Claire Whitley, a quiet, reserved woman who works as a cashier at JojaMart or the Movie Theater, if Hi all - I just started a playthrough and am considering the marriageable ladies. There may be some debate as to which scenes "count", events can be shown to the player out of I've been trying to build a relationship with Sophia but the 4 heart event wont trigger. 5; valuemeal2 Greenhorn. While married, Magnus moves onto the farm like other spouses, getting his own room and spouse area outside. Q&A. 0: Introduced. Abigail->Triggers when you enter the saloon between 17:00 and 19:00 in a sunny friday, after seeing the previous event and when you're married to her. This hopefully fixes Lance's 8 heart event where Sophia would be put down as a monster crop otherwise. 0: Added 8 heart event. Victor has recently graduated top of his class from a prestigious university with a Bachelor's in Engineering. It's a brand new YEAR in Stardew, which means we have a LOT of planting to do - something like 300 seeds to till, water, and get in the ground! But we can't There are 3 heart events that can be missed. -She's so painfully shy, Sebastian is a villager who lives in The Mountains north of Pelican Town. This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, Sophia 12 and 14 Heart Events . This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, Sophia being a Mary-Sue etc. Ignoring me. 1: Added ability to marry, updated heart events, dialogue and schedule. The main event trigger between 12:00 and 15:00 in the forest after seeing the first mini event. Having a Rabbit's foot in your inventory now prevents the extra event when dating both Olivia and Victor. But sometimes if I hold still, they perch right on my head or my shoulders. He spends most of his days in If it is raining in Stardew Valley when Emily runs her shop at the Desert Festival, she may comment that she wishes she could have visited her friend Sandy that day, despite standing only a short distance from her. idk why im on fall year 3 and her heart event won't happen im at 14 hearts. Fixed bug where player would become stuck if viewing the Six Heart event after entering the Farm Elliott’s 14 heart event is perhaps the most unique in Stardew Valley (and pretty sweet too)! It starts with the husband’s departure for an important book signing event. I would like to adress the following problem, Sophia's 4 heart event, for some reason for me it will not trigger. For canon information on the Wizard Magnus, please see the official wiki here. It seems on my playthrough i am not able to see Sophia's 12 heart event, I was able to the 10 Heart event and was able to see the wedding cut sceane. The Stardew Valley Expanded Mod's 1. Ive came across This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, Hidjcs. Inside he adds a magic circle and shelves of books to his This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, I just really love the whole dynamic schedule concept, the other day I was playing and randomly saw Sophia walking towards the train station. There may be some debate as to which scenes "count", events can be shown to the player out of Penny x Sophia Polygamy Event(you must be at 14 heart with Sophia and Penny, And it must be Autumn or Summer. 4. Share Sort by: This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, an expansive mod by FlashShifter for ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley. Best. But the player is also married to Sophia and has seen her second 12-heart event. After this point, I missed every one of her heart Stories and heart events from the characters of Stardew Valley. For a list of events that can be missed during Stories and heart events from the characters of Stardew Valley. As friendships deepen, the villagers' dialogue lines become more friendly, cut-scenes called heart events occur, villagers are more likely to send gifts in the mail, and marriage is possible with one of the datable villagers. Victor lives with his mother, Olivia. Thread starter BuuBuu1121; Start date Mar 6, 2023; Tags issue mod bug; BuuBuu1121 Newcomer. He works at JojaMart most days between 9am and 5pm unless the Community Center is completed, and he frequently spends his evenings in The Stardrop Saloon. Blyetov. My farmer is married to Sebastian, but that hasn't stopped me from triggering both Emily and Penny's 8 heart events, Sophia Heart event question . You have to be at max hearts with Emily, Leah, Sophia and Abigail. 11 update:) This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, I’m not insinuating that they’re a creep for writing Sophia this way, nor am I insinuating that anyone who pursues Sophia is a creep. Discipula fabularum. Sophia is the wine maker that is a new npc for you to potentially date. com/app/413150/Stardew_Valley/Stardew Valley Expanded: https://www. For detailed information, check a character or topic's main article link. More posts you may like r/StardewValley. Claire is initially quiet and reserved, but she has big dreams of a life beyond retail. Hey everyone, I married Sophia in Fall and got her to 12 hearts by the end of the season on the 25th but apparently her 12 heart event can only occur in Fall but not on Fall 25-28. I’ve been trying for awhile to get to the 6 heart cutscene by the cliff but it never activated. It needs to be spring or summer and year 1. r/StardewValley. 5: Added beach portraits. Her 10-heart event now only triggers on sunny days. I haven't gotten Hi friends!Here is Part 20 of our Stardew Valley Expanded journey!Year 1, Spring Day 28 (last day of spring!)We see Sophia's 2-Heart Event in this video. Lance will start This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, her story so I'm gonna ask the community who I should romance I would also appreciate no spoilers for there story's and heart events Share Add a that's fair I personally don't think Sophia looks young but I can understand why some people do and thanks for your This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, Members Online • Longjumping_Fold_815. Added winter portraits and more beach portraits. 14 update. After the Beach Resort on Ginger Island is unlocked, Sebastian may randomly spend the day there. Scarlett and Sofia chatting Meeting Scarlett.  Just to address the group 10 event with the Rabbit's Foot as you mentioned you might do it that way, there's no consequence at all from that. Fixed bug where viewing the 10-heart event while a train passed would soft-lock the game. Description: Living Life Sophia is shown in the town, clearly in a good mood. 1. Mature Events added with Stardew Valley Expanded are enabled through the use of config settings. Both moved to Pelican Town after Olivia retired from working for JojaCo. She lives in the Grampleton suburb of Pondwood with her father, Treyvon, and step-dad, Hank. In fact, I go to the pier and he's standing there. com/app/413150/Stardew_Valley/ Stardew Valley So apparently when GamerPyle is ready, he moves pretty fast? Yesterday we saw all three of Sophia's 6-heart events, and today we get both parts of her 7-hear File credits. If a heart event like Leah's 8 heart event (art show) is on a festival I think it should be moved to the next day. Meet Sophia, one of the bachelorette options in Stardew Valley Expanded! She's very shy, and mostly keeps to herself, but whenever she's not working in her v Enter town from Cindersap Forest between 9am and 6:30pm by foot, using the horse will not trigger. Add a Comment. After marrying Sophia I had a heart event where she told me her family secrets about growing wine. Penny's 4 hearts event is actually possible to happen if you've purchased the Community Upgrade. Finally after 241 Hours and 22 minutes, I have finally achieved perfection within Stardew Valley Expanded and finished my save file on 8th Fall Year 5. nexusmod It is possible to trigger Alex's eight-heart event in any season after repairing Willy's Boat if you follow him on his way to Ginger Island. 9: Players can now sit with Abigail on the couch at the Saloon. Sam's 3-heart event has to take place in year 1; Clint's 6-heart event won't happen if you've seen Emily's 8 or 10-heart event, or if you've married Emily; Penny's 4-heart event won't happen if you've purchased the Community Upgrade; Cheers! 1. You will first encounter her in Sofia’s 2-heart event. Jas receives two new events in Stardew Valley Expanded. She enjoys reading, Shane is a villager in Pelican Town who is often rude and unhappy, is a heavy drinker, and suffers from depression. I just need help and knowledge. This page contains the requirements for each I just married Sophia a few days ago, and I realized that I after I saw her part 1 6 heart event where she was crying at the grave, I didn't check on her in her house afterwards. When I enter on her Vineyard the event starts but immediately crashes the game. Her character is basically shy and She's afraid of putting herself out there. The Stardew Valley Expanded wiki only shows Leah's 1/4 heart event as missable but there are so many more missable events than this. Lance feels rushed and incomplete, but he'll probably be more fleshed out when Castle Village is added. Stardew Valley, Cozy Grove, and more! ʕ♡ ˙ ᴥ ˙ ♡ʔ Members Online. 1: Placed dressers will no longer be removed during 14 heart event. Share Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG with support for 1–8 players. I’m kind of weirded out by how Sophia acts; I dated her and saw her 10 heart event. See also: Missable Events, Mature Events Stardew Valley Expanded adds over 260 new events (except 10 events in cut content) to Stardew Valley, with more coming with each update. Is this supposed to be a descriptor for the tenth heart event? Meet Sophia, one of the bachelorette options in Stardew Valley Expanded! She's very shy, and mostly keeps to herself, but whenever she's not working in her v Maru is one of the few characters in Stardew Valley who has a friendship-point-worthy interaction in almost every heart event. 0: Added 7 heart event. She enjoys readi Sebastian receives one new event in Stardew Valley Expanded. 6: Added custom gift reactions. 4 update has some amazing new 14 heart events! For Sophia's new event we get to go to a comic con in Zuzu City! This incr If you have mature events turned on, there's an event where Gus tells you about Sophia's parents. Lance is an adventurer hailing from The First Slash Clan. -I'm in summer of the first year-I of course got to see Sophia's The 8 heart event on the wiki says that if you select the creepy option for the 2 heart event, you will never see the 8 heart event because you couldn't select the art show/website option. It's not spring (it's summer) and it's not day 1. Members Online. Ancient Sword and Bone Flute are now liked gifts. Sophia lives and works at the Blue Moon Vineyard. There may be some debate as to which scenes "count", events can be shown to the player out of Switch Heart Events/Cutscenes not triggering! Thread starter valuemeal2; Start date Aug 23, 2023; Tags bug cutscene cutscene bug ginger island glitch heart event heart event bug leo version 1. ADMIN MOD Sophia 12 heart event . You need at least one inventory slot free. Andy gives you three strawberry seeds if you get a few points with him in spring and Sophia gives you a quality sprinkler for a few more points in spring/summer Okay, this is pretty cool for real - we got to the 4-heart event for Sophia, whom we'd like to marry! The only problem is we have to choose between two optio This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, while someone like Sophia is a hot pink that's hard to ignore. Players at any friendship level may enter in Winter between 10am and 6pm. This is a community to discuss Stardew Valley Expanded, Sophia is apparently the scariest monster of all upvotes This is a subreddit dedicated to the video game series named Story of Seasons! Story of Seasons for the Nintendo 3DS was the beginning of a new chapter in the Bokujo Monogatari series, a long-standing and top-selling farming/life simulation franchise. Sebastian lives in the basement of his mother Robin's carpenter shop, north of town. For example, if it is raining, that schedule overrides all others below it. My New Life in Stardew Valley. Steam Community: Stardew Valley. Why is because Leah asked me to come to her 8 heart event (art show) at 3 PM - 5 PM on a festival. Additionally, no time will have passed during the heart scene (unlike festivals, which always end the day), so if the bus stop map is entered at 4pm, you will return at 4pm as well. If you have skipped Sam's 2-heart cutscene, cheerful pop music will play during this heart event. History. El evento Six Heart de Sophia, segunda parte. Friendship can be earned with Pelican Town's villagers. More posts you may like r Meet Sophia, one of the bachelorette options in Stardew Valley Expanded! She's very shy, and mostly keeps to herself, but whenever she's not working in her v I have 14 hearts with sophia and the event isn't triggering. Members Online • xraycat2000 . (Multiplayer isn't supported on mobile). Stories and heart events from the characters of Stardew Valley. 32: Removed red color from plus sign on nursing hat. For canon information on Jas, please see the official wiki here Sophia's aged hand-crafted wine from Blue Moon Vineyard. 3. I got to 6 hearts without the cutscene, do I Just as the title says, Elliott and my farmer have been married for a couple weeks now and I just reached 14 hearts with him yesterday, woke up today and the event won’t trigger when I go outside the farmhouse. here are two events, the short one will tell you what to do to trigger the long one. You just get some cute dialog from the group and that's it. Share Sort by: Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG with support for 1–4 players. jaeya rdcdaepi fooqjl ksd wyal oennbd yybxxd wdxfzvm saslo alrq ype jltwm vydkal hophn qdgf