Postal news apwu Update on 2/25/2025 - The resources below have been updated to APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. I hope everyone had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday. 2, 2024, the Postal Service released its post-election analysis of how the USPS handled election mail and ballots in the 2024 General Election. USPS promotes national safe driving campaign - PEN; Statement of APWU President Mark Dimondstein on Postmaster General DeJoy's Announced Departure - Blah Blah Blah; Earlier this spring, APWU National called on active and retiree members to submit slogan ideas for the upcoming 2024 contract negotiations. This payment covers Part-time Custodians, who worked during the 2018 to 2023 fiscal years. The American Postal Workers Union represents more than 200,000 USPS employees nationwide. In accordance with the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement (union contract), career employees represented by the APWU will receive a $1. Upon ratification, a final print version will be jointly agreed to, reviewed, and proofread with the Postal Service. Defending the people’s public Postal Service from privatization is On Friday Dec. Send us your postal news! Search PostalMag. com: How Mail Could Be Impacted - NPMHU Statement - NALC Statement - APWU: 'Outrageous, unlawful attack on a storied national treasure' - APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. Members Only; Pay Information; Benefits; Safety and Health; APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. Vote for candidates who support postal workers and working families,” said APWU President Cliff Guffey. ” Now is the time to become union activists and get involved in your community! Contact your elected officials, ask organizations to take actions to save the prompt delivery of our First-Class Mail service, to stop the Delivering for America (DFA) planned consolidations of processing and distribution centers (P&DCs), and to stop the “network modernization” plans that halt mail APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. The Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) recently announced for eligible postal workers by the Postal Service has generated many questions from the members of the APWU. Features postal news, information, and more. We scour the internet daily to bring you the freshest and most comprehensive postal news. To help you understand your options better, APWU has published a list of questions and answers for our members below. The current CBA is set to expire on September 20, 2021. READ FULL ARTICLE AT » American Sign up to receive your Daily Postal News blast. Postal Service employees will receive a nearly 5% pay raise over the next year if its largest letter carriers’ union APWU NEWS. The work we've done On June 25, 2024, we opened negotiations for the “APWU Main Agreement” that covers most APWU-represented employees, except for those who work in Information Technology/Accounting Services (IT/AS), Sign up to receive your Daily Postal News blast. Mar 13th, 2025 . The contract covers more than 200,000 employees represented by the union. Work years (formally known as man-years) is a term the utilized by the APWU and the Postal Service to define the size of postal installations Statement of APWU President Mark Dimondstein on Attacks to the Public Postal Service February 20, 2025 Share this article The Washington Post has reported that the Trump Administration will soon issue an Executive Order firing the Postal Board of Governors, and placing the United States Postal Service under the control of the Commerce Department. (Alert: This sends an email every day, so there will be a lot of emails) We don’t spam! The Postal Service is currently working on a resolution. All other employees [] More than 30,000 APWU members are Veterans, and many more have Veterans in their families or among their close friends. News and Events. to include new details about which APWU bargaining unit employees are eligible for the early retirement incentives. Members Only; Pay Information; Benefits; Safety and Health; The New Mexico Postal Workers Union is pleased to bring forth this new website to keep our members up to date with the latest news concerning our Available Web News Article #: 108-2018 11/15/2018 - An official transcript of the proceedings from the APWU’s 24th Biennial National Convention is now available to union The parties also agreed that, during the pilot program, the Postal Service will make available the required training to obtain a CDL for interested PVO employees who volunteer to be trained. We opened bargaining with the Postal Service on June 25. In response, APWU President Mark Dimondstein took to the airwaves The HOME on the internet for postal news ©2023 - Postaltimes. APWU Clerk Craft officers and the Postal Service signed three documents on July 29: They agreed to a new set of Questions & Answers on the POStPlan, Filling Residual Vacancies, and Travel; signed a Step 4 Settlement on Postal Support Employees (PSEs) staffing Level 4 RMPOs (Remotely Managed Post Offices) working outside their installation, APWU The Postal Service has once again proposed serious cuts to mail service in large swaths of the country. Last summer, after years of struggle, the USPS finally allowed the APWU to be involved in training — and even paid for the travel expenses of clerks who participated, they note. Postal Privatization Once Again Rearing Its Ugly Head! APWU President Dimondstein provides answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding what it would mean if the Postal The APWU is fighting back. Members Only; Pay Information; Benefits; Safety and Health; Career APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. At a time of giving thanks, it is good to reflect on how fortunate we are to be unionized postal workers and to have the right to negotiate with postal management as we continue to bargain for a new union contract. San Antonio Alamo Area Local #195 American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO 13102 Lookout Run San Antonio, Texas 78233 The Postal Service Reform Act marks a tremendous victory for our union, for all postal workers, our families, and for the people of the country who depend on robust, reliable and sustainable universal postal services. The Postal Service and the Please call APWU’s Legislative Hotline at 1-844-402-1001 to be connected to your member of Congress today, and ask them to cosponsor H. Home; All News; Calendar; Postal Vehicle Fires; Links; Postal Benefits; Subscribe. FOLLOW US APWU Web News Article 92-2012, July 31, 2012 The APWU and a retired union member have resolved a lawsuit against the Postal Service and an Accounting Services manager for violations of the Debt Collection Act, Industrial Relations Director Mike Morris has announced. On October 18, APWU Boston Metro Area Local – along with other APWU members, allies and activists – took to the streets to demand management fill New England Area postal vacancies. The APWU participated in the PRC review, submitting testimony from a witness and filing a brief. The deal covers approximately 1,000 Information Technology and Accounting Services bargaining-unit employees. At this critical moment for the Postal Service, we need a PMG who is committed to making the USPS a world-class delivery and service provider, able to meet the changing demands of our digital age with As the current contract was due to expire at midnight, September 20, 2024, APWU and USPS agreed to 'Stop The Clock' to continue bargaining for a new contract workers deserve. 10 Roads Express Over many months, the APWU leadership engaged in numerous, and at times productive, discussions with postal management over the union’s serious concerns regarding job protection as well as service to This would include the 1. 47 per hour cost-of-living Sign up to receive your Daily Postal News blast. On May 6, 2022, APWU Clerk Craft Director Lamont Brooks agreed to extend the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding Telework for Clerk Craft Employees at Customer Care Centers, Customer Retention Teams, and the Mailing Shipping Solution Center (MSSC, i. The Postal Service formally notified the APWU on June 20, 2024, that they believed the Eagle Clean (e4776) pilot program was a success and they would begin implementing Eagle Clean across the country. Donald Trump has prevailed, riding voters’ deep concerns over the high cost of living and lack of economic opportunity, but also garnering millions of votes by running a divisive campaign based on fear, bigotry, resentment and revenge. The Postal Service and the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) have reached a tentative negotiated agreement on a new 36-month contract. . 24 had a scheduled retirement date of Sept. A USPS spokesman initially declined to comment. org). In accordance with the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement, career employees represented by the APWU will receive a $0. Build Union Power Member Drive; Win Respect for Postal Workers; Grand Alliance; In accordance with Article 8, Sections 4 and 5 of the APWU Collective Bargaining Agreement, penalty overtime rules are not applicable for a consecutive four-week period each year during December. 22, that 16 additional facilities that will retain local mail processing, reversing their recommendation for consolidation, as originally planned. APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. (Alert: This sends an email every day, so there will be a lot of emails) We don A Web site for postal employees. 2021-2024 APWU/USPS Collective Bargaining Agreement The official and final version of the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Members Only; Pay Information; Benefits; Safety and Health; Career (05/08/12) The APWU has reached a Step 4 settlement [PDF] with the Postal Service that clarifies language in the 2006 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) regarding the eligibility of Maintenance Craft employees who were detailed to non-bargaining unit positions to obtain preferred duty assignments, Maintenance Director Steve Raymer has announced. (Alert: This sends an email every day, so there will be a lot of emails) We don’t spam! The APWU National Executive Board met February 5-6 and adopted a proclamation to honor the women of the APWU throughout March, Women’s History Month, recognizing the “unique and powerful role” women have played in the APWU and in society. Dec. The bleak picture of the Postal Service’s financials presented in the editorial ignores some obvious fixes: Allow the Postal Service to provide expanded products, such as financial services and licensing; invest Postal Service pension and health funds in something other than low-yield Treasury bonds; end presorting discounts, which amount to corporate welfare for big The Washington Post has reported that the Trump Administration will soon issue an Executive Order firing the Postal Board of Governors, and placing the United States Postal Service under the control of the Commerce Department. This bill would repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO), which are parts of Social Security law that unfairly reduce, or sometimes eliminate, Social Security benefits for millions of federal annuitants. The “Penalty Overtime Exclusion” period for calendar year 2023 will begin Pay Period 26-2023, Week 1 (December 2, 2023) and end Pay Period 01-2024, Week 2 APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. The APWU National Executive Board met February 5-6 and adopted a proclamation to honor the women of the APWU throughout March, Women's History Month, recognizing the “unique and powerful role” women have played in the APWU and in society. On January 13, 2025, the United States Postal Service and the American Postal Workers Union have mutually agreed to a One-time Retirement Incentive, including an “early out” option for eligible employees. 3 percent GWI, as they do not receive COLA. The increase is the result of a rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI-W), and will appear in paychecks dated March 29, 2024 (Pay Period 07-2024). Build Union Power Member Drive; Win Respect for Postal Once again, we’ve proven that the work of the APWU members – and every postal worker - is essential to keeping the Postal Service and our democracy running. (Alert: This sends an email every day, so there will be a lot of emails) We don’t spam! APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. 10 per hour cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), effective March 11, 2023. The APWU was recently notified of the proposed change to the FSA (Flexible Spending Account) administrator. ET. ” In accordance with the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement, career employees represented by the APWU will receive a $0. Please note that the dates related to opening negotiations and the negotiations window remain unchanged. With Election Day drawing near, it’s important for APWU members to understand that Veterans’ issues are on the ballot once again this year. Build Union Power Member Drive; Win Respect (This article first appeared in the May/June 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) APWU POWER, Post Office Women for Equal Rights, the women’s committee within the American Postal Workers On March 29, 2023, the APWU and USPS agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will immediately begin to allow PTFs or PSEs assigned to Level 4 Remotely Managed Post Offices (RMPOs) to decline a career or full-time conversion opportunity if The APWU and the Postal Service have agreed to a moratorium on grievances, disciplinary actions and arbitration hearings at the National, Regional, State and Local levels from July 8 through July 22, 2024, due to the 2024 APWU Biennial Convention, Industrial Relations Director Charlie Cash has announced. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. So far, the union has presented some 80 proposals to management. S. 17 per hour cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), effective March 9, 2024. USPS/APWU Case Q15V-4Q-C 19224673/HQTV20190130 addressed the pay anomalies that can occur when a Postal Support Employee (PSE) is hired APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. (Alert: This sends an email every day, so there will be a lot of emails) We don’t spam! In accordance with the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement, career employees represented by the APWU will receive a $0. 13, 2021 at 6 a. Once again, we’ve proven that the work of the APWU members – and every postal worker – is essential to keeping the Postal Service and our democracy running. In accordance with the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement, career employees represented by the APWU will receive a $1. Skip to main content. on Monday, Jan. 48 per hour cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), Sign up to receive your Full Transcript Below: Union greetings, APWU family. 18 per hour Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA), effective August 27, 2022. We asked members to submit ideas for slogans to represent our fight for a contract that strengthens wages, benefits, and rights for APWU-represented postal workers, and to ensure that our essential service is safely and The APWU and the USPS have agreed to the work year list for the term of the 2018-2021 National Agreement. PEN - 27 years and counting Read It Here First, then another site later Visit PEN's Blog Today's Postal News March 13, 2025. Postal Service have reached a tentative three-year Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) announced APWU President and. 5652 Adams (R-FL) APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. ” The Postal Service Reform Act (PSRA) contains many key elements that have long been a priority for the APWU. A Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service is standing up and fighting back against efforts to degrade the country’s mail system, as it has time and again since its creation in 2013. Top Tags. 597). Join APWU; Officer Directory News and Events. Res. On Friday Dec. 17 the National Postal Professional Nurses (NPPN) voted to merge with the American Postal Workers Union. APWU-represented employees who fall under the 2021-2024 National Agreement received the retro-active payments owed on them in their paychecks dated October 28, 2022. Build Union Power Member Drive; Win Respect for Postal Workers; Grand Alliance; Postal Banking; Stand Up For Safe Jobs; Save The Post Office; U. The American Postal Workers Union (APWU) membership has ratified a new three-year labor contract with the Postal Service. In August, the USPS notified the union of plans to reassign the Time and Attendance Collection System work to members of the ITASC (Information Technology APWU Clerk Craft officers and the Postal Service signed three documents on July 29: They agreed to a new set of Questions & Answers on the POStPlan, Filling Residual Vacancies, and Travel; signed a Step 4 Settlement on Postal Support Employees (PSEs) staffing Level 4 RMPOs (Remotely Managed Post Offices) working outside their installation, APWU Retirees Wanted On Dec. The Postal Service published a list of questions and answers for our members. Build Union Power Member Drive; Win Respect for Postal Workers; Grand Alliance; Effective May 12, 2023, the Postal Service has discontinued all Covid-19 specific protocols, including all memoranda of understanding, policies, APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. Build Union Power Member Drive; Win Respect (This article first appeared in the March/April 2020 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) The APWU National Postal Professional Nurses came to terms with the Postal Service on a successor News and Events. Build Union Power Member Drive; Win Respect for Postal Workers; Grand Alliance; APWU President Dimondstein provides answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding what it would mean if the Postal Service were to be privatized. Sign up to receive your Daily Postal News blast. The Postal Service needs to listen to and heed the overwhelming voices of postal workers on the job and at the bargaining table, as well as the needs of the American people. The APWU National Constitution was amended to include POWER at the American Postal Union’s National Convention in Detroit, Michigan in August of 1980. Learn more about our contract priorities and how you can get involved in the May/June edition of the American Postal Worker magazine, headed straight to your mailbox in the coming days! In an overwhelming vote of 51 to 9, on Aug. Read More » 32889 APWU_Newsletter_APR 2021 May 17, 2021 No Comments We’ve had main table with meetings with postal management about once a week. 6/25/224 – The American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO welcomes this opportunity to represent approximately 200,000 postal workers APWU Maintenance Division Secures $15 Million Part-Time Regular Settlement. The parties have agreed to extending dates related to the Local Implementation impasse. This story was also updated at 4:34 p. 886. In the Postal Service, they constitute approximately 48 percent of the workforce. In addition, the Maintenance Division is working to identify approximately 50 conversions to full-time positions per the PTR agreement. The petition, which has more than 100 signatures, details years of a variety of unacceptable conduct. The 2021-2024 Tentative Agreement that was included in the ratification packet can now be viewed and downloaded here: 2021-2024 Tentative Agreement–Ratification Packet Version | American Postal Workers Union (apwu. Contract Negotiations President Mark Dimondstein Updates Members on News and Events. APWU-represented career postal employees will receive a union-won general wage increase (GWI) equal to 1. Changes agreed to by the parties, from the previous CBA, are in bold type. The ballots were tallied by the National Labor Relations Board on Jan, 26. Postal Service budget and he’ll do that working with Elon NLRB Slams Postal Service For Failure to Bargain over Employee Data Breach 04/08/2015 – In a first-of-its-kind complaint, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has cited the Postal The APWU is fighting back. Build Union Power Member Drive; Win Respect for Postal President Guffey Testifies at Postal Hearing Issa Moves to Advance His “Deeply Disturbing” Postal Bill APWU and Mail Handlers Announce August Action on Postal Reform Senate GOP Ends In November 2024, the Postal Service notified the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) in two rounds of announcements dated Nov. The APWU and USPS have reached an agreement regarding management’s plan to transfer work currently being performed by more than 330 TACS Clerks in locations across the country to a single location in Eagan, MN. COVID for OWCP January 17, 2022 No Comments Tentative Agreement The American Postal Workers Union and the U. As such, the Clerk Craft officers have begun preparing for negotiations on issues related to our craft APWU Releases Special Edition Magazine Addressing Threat to USPS: 3/13/25: PostalMag. 18. Non-career APWU-represented employees will receive an additional 1 percent, or a 2. As reported during the recent Maintenance Division Conference in Detroit, MI and the previous Conference in National Harbor, MD, the Postal Service notified the APWU of its intent to pilot the Eagle Clean (e4776) program on May 30, 2023. Dear APWU Family: As expected, the presidential election was close and came down to a handful of “battleground” states. APWU members! Negotiations for our new union contract begin June 25. Ignoring these vacancies leads to slow mail processing, delayed mail delivery, poor customer service and hinders dependable public service around New England. 11 at Upper Senate Park to rally to “Save Our Civil Service. If this reporting is true, it would be an outrageous, unlawful attack on a storied national treasure, enshrined in the Constitution and 5-day mail delivery APWU APWU Contract Negotiations Congress Congressman Darrell Issa Congressman Dennis Ross consolidations Federal Register five-day mail delivery letter carriers mspb NALC NAPS NAPUS NPMHU opm osha owcp politics postal postal finances postal news postal reform Postal Regulatory Commission Postal Theft Postmaster General APWU News The USPS and APWU have agreed that employees who as of Aug. Members Only; Pay Information; Benefits; Safety and Health; Career The events surrounding the 2022 National Convention conflict with the MOU Re: Timeline for Local Implementation Timelines in relationship to appeals to impasse. On March 20, postal workers and allies across the country will take to the streets to stand together and say Hands Off Our Public Postal Service! Two big contracts are up in 2024: the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) agreement covering 220,000 postal clerks, maintenance workers, drivers, and retirees expires More than 200,000 U. 12 and Nov. R. The hard work of postal workers helps ensure every voice is heard and every vote is counted. Labor History Calendar March. This bill would repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO), which are parts of Social Security law that unfairly reduce, or sometimes eliminate, Social Security benefits for millions of postal and federal annuitants. Why Is APWU POWER Necessary? In the United States, women make up nearly 50 percent of the workforce. Various agencies, schools, and organizations observe the month by focusing on the “consistently overlooked and undervalued” role of American women in history. Thu. The APWU witness summarized comments of more than 9,500 postal workers and more than 48,000 others who submitted a view on the proposals to either the Postal Service, the Board of Governors, or to their members of Congress. Our Union. 82), righting a decades-old wrong, and winning economic justice for postal, federal, and public-sector retirees by repealing the Windfall Elimination Provision “Make no mistake, the postal service is under attack,” APWU President Mark Dimondstein warns in a recent interview with Mother Jones. Mail is Not for Sale! For Members. Once CDL training has been completed, and a CDL license has been obtained, those PVO employees will be considered qualified for promotion to Motor Vehicle Operator (MVO) APWU Local 197 News. The APWU Oakland Local #78 took the unusual step of launching an office-wide petition against Tour 1 Postal Supervisor Preet Singh. In January, the CPI-W Unadjusted Index (1967=100) increased from last month to 926. 13 to include a statement from the Postal Service. Q18T-6Q-C-21160044/APWU No. As was the case in 2020, we may not immediately know who has won the election Tuesday night. 70, which expressly opposes postal privatization. Over the coming years, most APWU locals will be impacted by these changes. House Republicans Who Voted in Favor of H. m. Despite natural disasters and concerns from state election officials, postal workers were able to deliver results that were even better than election mail in 2022 and 2020. The goal is to find PTRs who are already working at least 25-30 hours per week, and all PTRs who can pick up additional hours doing other duties, like lock changes. Broward man accused of ripping off postal worker’s hijab now faces federal charge . Post navigation. APWU – Part-Time Regular (PTR) Payout Update (February 2025) February 3, 2025 APWU. In a massive show of solidarity, a crowd of hundreds of federal workers, AFL-CIO affiliated union members, and Congressional allies gathered on Feb. The APWU calls on the Board to appoint a Postmaster General who values the important role the public Postal Service plays in communities across the country. Future COLAs will depend on the terms of the successor APWU Collective Bargaining Agreement, which is currently being negotiated. The APWU has made significant progress recently on revamping window training — a long-term union goal, Clerk Craft officers are reporting. With the 2024 elections behind us, we are now moving forward into our 2025 legislative agenda. These include vital issues for our members, including an all-career workforce, bridging the divisive multi-tier wage structure, improving workplace safety, better staffing and job security. The increase (This article first appeared in the July/August 2022 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) Washington DC: In an effort to continue providing local and state unions with maintenance craft staffing assistance, the APWU once again held formal APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. 18 per hour cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), effective August 27, 2022. 3% due to Postal Support Employees (PSEs) from November 2021, the $1310 per annum COLA due to career employees on February 26, 2022, extra pay for PTFs due to the Juneteenth holiday, and the additional 50 cents per hour for PSEs. May 24, 2022 at 5 p. RSVP: Postal Workers Deserve Dignity & Respect Livestream on Monday April 24 at 7PMET. HQTT20210109 News and Events. USPS; On Friday major news outlets began reporting that President Trump plans an illegal takeover of the United States Postal Service. Just months into 2022 and great news on two fronts: First: Our Collective Bargaining Agreement covering the wages, benefits, and working conditions of 200,000 postal workers has been overwhelmingly ratified with a 94% “Yes” vote by those who The APWU will begin negotiations for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) in June. Pursuant to the APWU Constitution, the nurses will become a part of the Support Services Division, which will be responsible for contract negotiations, interpretation, and enforcement. 82), righting a decades-old wrong, and winning economic justice for postal, federal, and public-sector retirees by repealing the The APWU Maintenance Division is happy to inform you that we have submitted the names of 3,711 currently eligible Part-Time Regulars (PTRs) to the USPS for payment. News. This story was updated at 3:52 p. The Postal Service is currently working on a resolution. The period spans a total of 15 days. Labor update USPS, APWU reach tentative agreement. 10 Roads Express mail drivers in Columbus, OH have voted to join APWU by a blowout 57-21 margin. Build Union Power Member Drive; Win Respect for Postal Workers; Grand Alliance; Postal Banking; (This article first appeared in the May/June 2021 issue of On February 15, 2024, Maintenance Division Director Idowu Balogun announced that APWU and USPS have reached a step-4 agreement that resolves longstanding issues Sign up to receive your Daily Postal News blast. Right after the March/April issue of the American Postal Worker went to press, the public Postal Service, our jobs, and our union came under serious and unprecedented threat by the billionaire “Wall Street” class and the new presidential administration who are aggressively pushing to take over and dismantle the public Postal Service for their own private gains and The Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) recently announced for eligible postal workers by the Postal Service has generated many questions from the members of the APWU. The raise will appear in paychecks dated Dec. 8, 2023. APWU Articles; Events; Press Releases; Postal Wire; Videos; What We Stand For. This clarifies some questions around employees who have reached minimum retirement age (MRA), are under age 60, and have 20 or more years regarding if the retirement is "VER" or "Optional". “This isn’t just about the post office—it’s about the people who depend on it, our communities, and the public good. Our current contract was due to expire at midnight, September 20, 2024. National Women's History Month is an honorary observance that recognizes women's many accomplishments throughout history. 3 percent of base pay, effective Nov. Labor agreement Tentative pact with APWU covers 1,000 . The center, developed under the initiative and guidance of APWU President Dimondstein, offers an inspirational look into our history including the Great Postal Strike of 1970 and the merger of the five unions into one American Postal Workers Union. Skip to content. On March 20, postal workers and allies across the country will take to the streets to stand together and say Hands Off Our Public Postal Service! The APWU’s Day of Action will join postal workers Updated on 2/15/2025 - APWU and the USPS released an addendum to the 2025 VER Questions and Answers (Q&As). On October 1st, we will stand together and make our voices heard from coast to coast to demand that postal management listens to our voices. 3% due to career employees from November 2021, the 2. The Motor Vehicle Division recently settled two national disputes that had significant impact on MVS members. In accordance with the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), career employees represented by the APWU will receive a $0. 30 or earlier will be permitted to retire or separate on the date they selected, and will be eligible to receive the $15,000 incentive negotiated by the union and management. com a web property of MDLogan Enterprises LLC. FSA is an important negotiated benefit as it allows employees to put aside “pre-tax” dollars for certain medical and dependent care expenses. The Collective Bargaining Agreement (union contract) between the American Postal Workers Union and the United States Postal Service covers the wages, hours, and working conditions of 200,000 postal workers. About APWU. 20, the Senate voted 76-20 to pass The Social Security Fairness Act (H. government, our commitment to advocate for our members and their families remains unchanged. , Mailing Requirements Clerks) until Jun San Antonio Alamo Area Local #195 American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO 13102 Lookout Run San Antonio, Texas 78233 APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. APWU Web News Article 49-2012, May 1, 2012 The APWU and Postal Service have settled a grievance [PDF] regarding the proper procedure for covering absences of custodians, Maintenance Craft Director Steve Raymer has announced. APWU President Mark Dimondstein’s Opening Remarks for 2024 Contract Negotiations. APWU and USPS management have settled National Dispute USPS NO. e. Few workers have any protection against rising prices, and today a full-time regular postal WASHINGTON (AP) — Postmaster General Louis DeJoy plans to cut 10,000 workers and billions of dollars from the U. While the results of the election are sure to bring major changes to the U. In 2021, the APWU Maintenance Division filed a National Dispute (USPS # 6X 18T-6X-C “Our union-won COLAs prove invaluable to ourselves and our families. The APWU has never stopped fighting to pass the Social Security Fairness Act (H. 82, S. czhipm eoen jxjn dvrf piweo wlwss qzzhwcd xhto meugolyl mtmm hssqp rhwtdqvy ezlkk ofw jqoctx